One of the most intriguing aspects of this year’s federal election will be how much of an impact the new political party which is being led by independent South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon will have. The “Nick Xenophon Team” (NXT) was launched in December 2014, but it’s only in the past three months that its…
The year 2015 has marked the end of the Parliamentary careers of some prominent Australians and their contributions to public life as elected members are worth reflecting on before the year officially comes to a close. There was the shock of the sudden passing of the House of Representatives Member for the Western Australian seat…
Old Parliament House in Canberra, which now houses the Museum of Australian Democracy, has a special display devoted to Australia’s prime ministers. The display features a portrait of each of the 29 people who have held our country’s top job. Alongside each, there are a series of brief points about the major achievements of each…